Sefa Can Genç Blog Posts Learn more about me
How to Determine if a Binary Tree is Height-Balanced using PythonThis tutorial explains how to find the diameter of a binary tree using depth-first search (DFS) algorithm in Python. It includes a step-by-step example to illustrate the process of traversing the tree and calculating the diameter.
Constructing Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversals in PythonLearn how to construct a binary tree from its preorder and inorder traversals using a recursive algorithm in Python, with step-by-step explanation and code.
Finding the Diameter of a Binary Tree using Depth-First SearchThis tutorial explains how to find the diameter of a binary tree using depth-first search (DFS) algorithm in Python. It includes a step-by-step example to illustrate the process of traversing the tree and calculating the diameter.
House Robber LeetcodeThis tutorial is about solving the House Robber Problem using Dynamic Programming.
Implementing a Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache in PythonThis blog post explains the LRU cache replacement policy and provides a step-by-step guide on how to implement it in Python. The post is aimed at developers who want to learn more about caching and LRU cache implementation in Python. By the end of the post, readers will have a clear understanding of LRU cache and be able to apply this knowledge to their own projects.