Constructing Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversals in Python
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Given the preorder and inorder traversals of a binary tree, we can construct the tree using a recursive algorithm. The basic idea is as follows:
The first element of the preorder traversal is the root node of the tree. We can find the root node in the inorder traversal, which splits the inorder traversal into left and right subtrees. We can use the length of the left subtree to split the preorder traversal into left and right subtrees. We can then recursively build the left and right subtrees. Let’s take the example of the following binary tree:
/ \
9 20
/ \
15 7
The preorder traversal of the tree is [3, 9, 20, 15, 7], and the inorder traversal is [9, 3, 15, 20, 7].
Python Implementation Here’s how we can implement the above algorithm in Python:
class Solution:
def buildTree(self, preorder, inorder):
if not preorder or not inorder:
return None
# The first element of preorder is the root node
root_val = preorder.pop(0)
root = TreeNode(root_val)
# Find the index of the root node in inorder
root_idx = inorder.index(root_val)
# Recursively build left and right subtrees
root.left = self.buildTree(preorder, inorder[:root_idx])
root.right = self.buildTree(preorder, inorder[root_idx + 1:])
return root
Example Let’s see how the algorithm works for the example binary tree we used above:
s = Solution()
root = s.buildTree([3, 9, 20, 15, 7], [9, 3, 15, 20, 7])
Initially, the preorder and inorder traversals are [3, 9, 20, 15, 7] and [9, 3, 15, 20, 7], respectively. We create the root node with value 3, and then split the inorder traversal into [9] and [15, 20, 7], indicating the left and right subtrees, respectively. We also split the preorder traversal into [9, 20, 15, 7] and [15, 7].
We then recursively call the buildTree method for the left subtree, passing the [9, 20] and [9] sub-arrays of the preorder and inorder traversals, respectively. In this call, we create a node with value 9 and assign it to the left attribute of the current node.
Next, we recursively call the buildTree method for the right subtree, passing the [20, 15, 7] and [15, 20, 7] sub-arrays of the preorder and inorder traversals, respectively. In this call, we create a node with value 20, assign it to the right attribute of the current node, and then create a node with value 15 and assign it to the left attribute of the 20 node. Finally, we create a node with value 7 and assign it to the right attribute of the 20 node
step by step explanation
Let’s use the given example:
preorder = [3,9,20,15,7]
inorder = [9,3,15,20,7]
We start with the root node 3, which is the first element of the preorder traversal. We create a TreeNode object with value 3:
root = TreeNode(3)
Next, we find the index of the root value 3 in the inorder traversal to know where to split the tree into left and right subtrees. We see that 3 is at index 1 in the inorder traversal:
Copy code
inorder = [9, 3, 15, 20, 7]
So we split the inorder traversal into left and right subtrees:
left_inorder = [9]
right_inorder = [15, 20, 7]
Then, we recursively call the buildTree method for the left subtree, passing the corresponding sub-arrays of the preorder and inorder traversals:
root.left = self.buildTree([9], [9])
In this call, the preorder and inorder traversals have only one element each, so we create a leaf node with value 9 and return it:``
node = TreeNode(9) return node We assign the returned node to the left attribute of the root node:
root.left = TreeNode(9)
Next, we recursively call the buildTree method for the right subtree, passing the corresponding sub-arrays of the preorder and inorder traversals:
root.right = self.buildTree([20, 15, 7], [15, 20, 7]) In this call, the preorder traversal has three elements [20, 15, 7], and the inorder traversal has three elements [15, 20, 7].
We start with the root node 20, which is the first element of the preorder traversal. We create a TreeNode object with value 20:
node = TreeNode(20) Next, we find the index of the root value 20 in the inorder traversal to know where to split the tree into left and right subtrees. We see that 20 is at index 1 in the inorder traversal:
inorder = [15, 20, 7] ^ | 1 So we split the inorder traversal into left and right subtrees:
left_inorder = [15] right_inorder = [7] Then, we recursively call the buildTree method for the left subtree, passing the corresponding sub-arrays of the preorder and inorder traversals:
node.left = self.buildTree([15], [15]) In this call, the preorder and inorder traversals have only one element each, so we create a leaf node with value 15 and return it:
left_node = TreeNode(15) return left_node We assign the returned node to the left attribute of the root node:
node.left = TreeNode(15) Next, we recursively call the buildTree method for the right subtree, passing the corresponding sub-arrays of the preorder and inorder traversals:
node.right = self.buildTree([7], [7]) In this call, the preorder and inorder traversals have only one element each, so we create a leaf node with value 7 and return it:
right_node = TreeNode(7) return right_node We assign the returned node to the right attribute of the current node:
node.right = TreeNode(7) Finally, we assign the completed right subtree to the root.right attribute:
root.right = node The recursive calls for the right subtree are finished, and we have completed building the binary tree. We return the root node:
return root So the resulting binary tree is:
9 20
15 7